It's been a long and hard-fought struggle, but I am finally the top Sean Keane in the Google rankings. Zembla, sweet neglected Zembla, my first blog love and former constant online companion, has stalled out at #5 in search results for "sean keane", but Sean Keane Comedy Dot Com has reached the pinnacle, finally passing the honey-voiced Irish tenor Sean Keane. What turned the tide? Better name-branding, lower-quality, higher-frequency posts, and the fact that mysteriously disappeared from the internet.
I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who helped this crazy dream become a reality, including all the Sean Keanes everywhere. The first round is on me at the long-awaited Sean Keane Konvention, still preliminarily scheduled to take place in Keansburg, New Jersey on December 21, 2012.
In conclusion, here is the #4 "Sean Keane" image search result: