high five a muslim day

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We at Zembla have always prided ourselves on being your top source for all sorts of unique content: heart-warming stories about swim lessons, scholarly examinations of hip-hop lyrics, hard-hitting looks at gender relations among Smurfs, and now, banned Australian TV sketch comedy!

Through our connections at the Ronnie Johns Half Hour, the 9th -best comedy show in broadcast history, we have obtained a link to the "High Five a Muslim Day" sketch. Deeming it offensive, Network 10 chose to censor the sketch rather than air it during the regular broacast of The Ronnie Johns Half Hour. I'm not sure what Network 10 is exactly, but my sources say it's just like The WB, only with five times the crocodiles and twice the hunters, and Gilmore Sheilas isn't quite so talky all the time.

Though a wise man once told me that Australians were "like school on Sunday - no class", I really don't think the sketch is in bad taste. Perhaps I'm biased because of my love of the high-five, to the extent that I've often mused of making a documentary consisting solely of my traveling the world and delivering high fives in front of notable historic sites.

Since the Mufti of Australia has no sway over Zembla's virtual webspace, you can view the sketch here. Remember, just like The Best of Backyard Wrestling and the Menstruating Virgin Mary episode of South Park, this sketch has been banned from television! It may air in cleaner form on a later version of the show, and a more offensive version also might emerge on the interweb by the end of the month. It's always difficult to tell with Australia, as their censorship goes clockwise.

More on Ronnie Johns

Watch my own high-fiving here, though I'm clearly inferior to Jesus when it comes to the shlappy

7 TrackBacks

Some may find the sentiment sacreligious but I for one am pleased to see Jesus reach across the cultural and religious divide and endorse High Five A Muslim Day. Zembla explains: Remember, just like The Best of Backyard Wrestling and... Read More

Today is the International High-Five a Muslim Day. The video explaining this is below, but feel free to use the banner on the right to participate. Who am I to not follow the example of my personal Lord and... Read More

Today is the International High-Five a Muslim Day. The video explaining this is below, but feel free to use the banner on the right to participate. Who am I to not follow the example of my personal Lord and... Read More

Today is the International High-Five a Muslim Day. The video explaining this is below, but feel free to use the banner on the right to participate. Who am I to not follow the example of my personal Lord and... Read More

Today is the International High-Five a Muslim Day. The video explaining this is below, but feel free to use the banner on the right to participate. Who am I to not follow the example of my personal Lord and... Read More

Today is the International High-Five a Muslim Day. The video explaining this is below, but feel free to use the banner on the right to participate. Who am I to not follow the example of my personal Lord and... Read More

Some may find the sentiment sacreligious but I for one am pleased to see Jesus reach across the cultural and religious divide and endorse High Five A Muslim Day. Zembla explains: Remember, just like The Best of Backyard Wrestling and... Read More


Dude, I am SO bloggin right now.

That sketch was so funny. I didn't know it was censored, it was played at 10:30pm and there was plenty of swearing, etc in other sketches.

that sketch didn't end up getting censored at all.. whats more they played a couple of others not on the net

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This page contains a single entry by Sean Keane published on February 14, 2006 11:55 PM.

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