(With Flashbacks, we revisit old comedic scribbles unearthed from various notebooks, post-it notes, and 3.5 inch floppy disks that sit in a box on Sean's desk. Flashbacks are like reruns of television shows that never aired, but are syndicated forever in our dreams.)
Cheech and Chongfeld - February 2000
Announcer: Now stay tuned for Cheech and Chongfeld, a sitcom about nothing – nothing but smoking weed, that is.
Cheech: Hey Chongfeld, man, what is the deal with the childproof lighter, man?
Chongfeld: Man, I don't know, Cheech.
Cheech: I mean, like, it's so hard to light a joint with one, man. Who are the ad wizards who like, came up with this stuff?
Chongfeld: Hey, man, who's there?
Kramer: It's me, Kramer!
Cheech: Kramer's not here, man.
Kramer: No, this is Kramer. Come on, Cheech! Open the door!
Chongfeld: No, Kramer's not here, man.
(Knocking continues)
Cheech: Hey man, I was thinking, what's the deal with bongs?
Announcer: Stay tuned for scenes from next week’s episode of Cheech and Chongfeld.
Chongfeld: Hey man, we ought to have a contest. Whoever can go the longest without smoking weed wins, man.
Cheech: OK, man.
(two-second pause)
Chongfeld: Man, I'm already out.